Through deepening reforms in the building of its industrial workforce, the country aims to foster approximately 2,000 national-level master artisans, 10,000 provincial-level master artisans and 50,000 city-level master artisans who are highly knowledgeable and have high levels of technical and innovative skills by 2035, according to a set of guidelines issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council on October 21, 2024.
《中共中央 國務院關于深化產業工人隊伍建設改革的意見》明確主要目標:力爭到2035年,培養造就2000名左右大國工匠、10000名左右省級工匠、50000名左右市級工匠,以培養更多大國工匠和各級工匠人才為引領,帶動一流產業技術工人隊伍建設,為以中國式現代化全面推進強國建設、民族復興偉業提供有力人才保障和技能支撐。
We should make coordinated efforts in developing vocational education, higher education and continuing education, and promoting integration between vocational education and general education, between industry and education, and between science and education, so as to continuously cultivate high-caliber technicians and skilled workers and master craftsmen.
Skilled workers are main forces underpinning China's manufacturing sector and innovation drive. The working class and other working people in China should carry forward the spirit of model workers, hard work and craftsmanship and adapt themselves to the requirements of the current global revolution in science and technology and industrial transformation. With diligence, dedication, innovation and initiative, they must keep honing their skills and contribute their wisdom and strength to promoting high-quality development, making China strong in manufacturing, and building a modern socialist country in all respects.
modern vocational education
lifelong vocational skills training system for industrial workers